This is couch cushions with Mia and my, I’m Mia, also known as Maria and My, short for Myzsa! And we’re so happy you could join us for this podcast. Pre-Covid we had this Friday night tradition where Myzsa would come over we’d just hang out and chat and have fun all night and we’re now inviting everyone else to join in on some feel good conversations. We’ll be releasing an episode every other Monday and in this podcast we’ll cover topics like friendship, dancing, and travel and our personal experiences or even lessons learned from each. To get more of the inside scoop and previews for each episode, follow us on Instagram @couchcushionspodcast and to see each episode with closed captioning go to our YouTube Couch Cushions Podcast. Now all’s that left is to kick back and chill with us on the couch, this is couch cushions with Mia and My!