Catch Flights

Hey guys welcome to another episode of Couch Cushions Podcast! Thank you guys for joining us again and listening in. Today I think we’re both excited about today’s episode, this is the first of a series we’re actually starting about traveling, hence the title Catch Flights. My and I love to travel in and out of the US and we have so many stories and experiences about our travels we knew we couldn’t fit it into just one episode, so here is Catch Flights pt. 1!

What we love most about traveling

My: THE FOOD just trying new things is the best part for me.

Mia: I think my favorite thing about traveling is meeting new people. I love and cherish the friends I’ve made while traveling! 

Where we’ve traveled to

Mia: So when I was younger we’d travel to NYC and S. Carolina for family, and then places like Boston, Washington, and Pennsylvania. As for bigger and “real” trips for me I’ve been to Texas and  Alaska, and outside of the US, I’ve been to Canada (if that counts), Belize, briefly to London, and South Africa.

My: just list stuff  

What are the top three places you’d like to go

Mia: Bolivia, Japan, Paris (which I know sounds so cliché) but here me out. I love the language, I love the food, the art, and the culture. I definitely feel like even though I’ve never been that it definitely has influenced who I am and the things I love. 

My: Korea, Thailand & South Africa 

Our #1 favorite place we’ve gone

Mia: My favorite I think is Alaska. I don’t think I’ve ever been anywhere so beautiful and I don’t think I will ever get to go anywhere that beautiful again!

My: Rome is home! This is where I legitimately gained a family , friends and just a whole lifestyle. It really made me a different person and learn things about myself.

What is your favorite or least favorite travel story?

My:  The poop story from Budapest to Germany 

Mia: First time traveling alone, no phone, lost at airport, thrown on bus, no one came to pick me up, didn’t know when to exit the bus, couldn’t jump off to use the bathroom, could not sleep on bus, very lost, very scared. 

I think traveling changes a lot depending on how you do it and who you go with.. Some people prefer to travel alone and “find themselves” or just because it can be easier for them. Others like a single and trustworthy travel partner, and some like to travel in groups. Myzsa, what is your preference?

Travel together or alone/ travel partners

My: with people that have money, traveling with people that don’t have money can slow you down and what's the fun in that? Let's be honest when you are traveling you are doing things that you normally wouldn't do so that cost abnormal money and you need to have them funds!

Mia: I think traveling alone is great because you can do what you want to do when you want to do it. I also like going to a new place and making whoever you meet your new friends and family. But I will say I prefer to be with someone. It can be scary being a young woman traveling alone! Not only that, but life is better with friends and people to share the experience with. 

What are some good tips when it comes to traveling? 

My: SAVE YOUR MONEY AND MORE! There are always going to be extra things that you don't think of that will happen and you don't want to have to call mom and pops for help. Pack light for sure, have all your papers and make like 10 copies just in case something happens. MAKE SURE AND I MAEN MAKE SURE that you bring all your toiletries!!!!! HAIR PRODUCTS, TOOTHPASTE those other countries not going to have your back and they don't have a Walmart either. Trust me i have never been so musty in my life like I was in Rome maybe that's why i came back SINGLE 

Mia: Pack light! Pay for phone coverage or a sim card, have a plan A, B, C, D, E, F, G for everything. And I agree with Myzsa always have extra money.

When it comes to  traveling/ vacationing we all do it differently.  What we view as a vacation may greatly vary.  For example, the length of your stay, where you go, and what you do. 

What length of time do you prefer to stay for a vacation?

Mia: So I think a minimum of 2-3 weeks. I think depending on what your purpose for traveling is you should do more. I would love to live a life where I could stay somewhere for months at a time. But unfortunately I do not. So I think 2-3 weeks or even a month fills my needs. 

My:  I can't lie, I don't want to travel anywhere out of the country for less thans 1 month.. I need to make that long flight worth it. In the usa idc a week or two is cool.

What is a “vacation” to you/ how do you “vacation”?

My: I like to have a mix of things, I want to sleep in and chill but also explore. That's why I like to stay for a longer time. I don't want to have to feel rushed to see everything. When I go to Belgium it takes me a week to get adjusted and the family that I stay with  hates it. But i mean i have to be up for work at like 6am so i wanna sleep and not move for like a good week then i'm good i'll get up and go sightseeing.  Now one thing that I have learned is to never go to NYC with your family if you want a vacay. Y'all had me getting up earlier than I do for work.

Mia: I say a vacation for me is to try to do as much as possible. I like relaxing but I want to do and see as much as possible! I want to be out all day and do various activities and eat a lot of food. 

First class, Yes or No?

My: Nope.  Seat me in the bathroom if it free

Mia: Now you know this is a no.

How do we act on flights?

My: this is kinda mixed for me, i would say the in the beginning i would say i was super chill and but after the story about pooping on the plane i gain a fear of flying.

Mia: Scared at first and then I’m chill. The flight isn’t so bad, what’s worse for me is the airport. 

Outro: You guys, all we have to say is, #Catch Flights Not Feelings. Even though we can’t travel right now, save your money and hopefully in 2022 you guys can meet us in some of our favorite places we’d like to visit. As always, we thank you for your support and hope y'all will continue to stay safe out there. Duces, Byeeeeeeeeee


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